Teleconference 2023-02-08

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Attendees: Ken Moreland (ORNL), Roxana Bujack (LANL), Ollie Lo (LANL), Sujin Philip (Kitware), Silvio Rizzi (ANL), Jay Wang (ORNL), Dave Pugmire (ORNL), Tushar Athawale (ORNL), Vicente Bolea (Kitware), Manish Mathai (UO), Hank Childs (UO), Nicole Marsaglia (LLNL)

ECP Updates

  • KPP-3
  • Update P6 Activity
  • Budget estimations for FY24
    • Asking for 1/4 of FY23 spend plan for FY24Q1
      • Was told by Jordan Williams that should not be an issue
    • Trying to make sure contracts continue
  • Highlights
    • Based on KPP-3 work

Porting Activities

ECP task updates

ECP/VTK-m Project Management


Bronson Messner approached Ken asking if VTK-m could do a KPP-3 run on Frontier (that did not need to stress the file system). After some discussion, it made sense to run the In Situ benchmark on a lot of processes. The benchmark needs to be fixed for MPI run. The two items to fix are a correct parallel rendering (image composite/reduction) and a correct partitioning of the input. Once that is done, it should be trivial to run the small program at scale.

Decided on doing 4 "early" KPP-3 metrics

  • Flow for WarpX and/or WDMApp
    • Springboard off Abhishek's thesis work
  • Ascent integration
  • ParaView integration
  • VisIt integration


  • Thinking of submitting for 2023
  • Big stumbling block: needs to be "created" between Jan 2022 to March 2023
  • Plan: Release VTK-m 2.0, do a copyright assertion