Teleconference 2023-07-12
Attendees: Ken Moreland (ORNL), Roxanna Bujack (LANL), Berk Geveci (Kitware), Terry Turton (LANL), Nicole Marsagia (LLNL), Jeff Amstutz (NVIDIA), Abhishek Yenpure (Kitware), Silvio Rizzi (ANL), Sujin Philip (Kitware), Dave Pugmire (ORNL), Vicente Bolea (Kitware), Jay Wang (ORNL), Hank Childs (UO), Ollie Lo (LANL)
ECP Updates
- KPP-3
- Terry would like to see ALPINE/VTK-m submissions by mid July.
- Reporting of last P6 Activity
- Note next one will be due earlier than normal.
- Highlights
- Based on KPP-3 work
- Large scale run on Frontier?
Porting Activities
ECP task updates
The hackathon will happen on August 29. 10 people responded to poll. Going to plan for 15-20 attendees.
Mark needs some images from at scale run on Summit.
Dropping ghost levels from issue tracker. It is not listed in the P6 Activity in JIRA.
Berk: Should we consider using ANARI as the front end for rendering? The rendering interface would be a good breakout topic for the hackathon.