Teleconference 2024-12-04

Revision as of 12:35, 4 December 2024 by Kmorel (talk | contribs)
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Attendees: Ken Moreland (ORNL), Dave Pugmire (ORNL), Jeff Amstutz (Nvidia), Silvio Rizzi (ANL), Nicole Marsaglia (LLNL), Mark Bolstad (SNL), Vicente Bolea (Kitware)

OASIS Deliverables

The OASIS CY24 final "report" has been submitted.

In addition, organizers are asking for a highlight slide from each project. It can be a previous highlight slide from SciDAC or ECP. Current plan is to submit the VTK-m highlight on Poincaré plots for fusion. We have a WarpX highlight, but we can save that for Ascent.

In the future, we will have to think about how to highlight VTK-m/Viskores. Our most visible deployment is usually through Ascent, but we don't want to take Ascent's thunder.

Viskores / HPSF

The HPSF has granted us some funding to transition our software from VTK-m to Viskores. This funding will be provided to Kitware.

Expect contract to be in place by the end of this month and to start in January. It is a 3 month contract. May finish earlier. Expect to have a functional Viskores in github in March.

Most of the CI will go to the U of Oregon build cluster (currently used for spack).


Ascent getting weird ray culling issue.

Need to address missing marching cubes cases for 1D and 2D elements.