Teleconference 2016-01-06
Attendees: Dave Pugmire (ORNL), Jeremy Meredith (ORNL), Berk Geveci (Kitware), Matt Larsen (LLNL), Chris Sewell (LANL)
Distributed Memory Investigation
Right now primarily interested in Legion integration. LANL is going to pursue that. There is already a Thrust-Legion example, which suggests that there is a good chance of doing something successful.
Dashboard status
From Rob Maynard: Chuck Atkins is going to start managing the dashboards for the project this month, so we should see an increase in stability once the transition is complete.
Copyright Assertion
We need to do a DOE copyright assertion for the V1.0 release of VTK-m. To do this, we need a list of people who have contributed to VTK-m to sign off on it. Berk has volunteered to get someone to go through the git repository for all commits since February 2015 and see who has committed anything.
Point coordinates for rectilinear grids
Summary here.
The solution we came to was to add ArrayHandleCartesianProduct as one of the default storage types for coordinate systems, but only for a single floating point type (specifically vtkm::FloatDefault). The DataSetBuilderRectilinear will have to convert incoming arrays to arrays of that type if necessary.