Teleconference 2016-09-21
Attendees: Ken Moreland (SNL), Dave Pugmire (ORNL), Berk Geveci (Kitware), Rob Maynard (Kitware), Chris Sewell (LANL), Sam Li (LANL), Matt Larsen (LLNL), Mark Kim (ORNL)
Dave has been working on getting 1D data sets working. Have some Xolotl code to do 1D plots. Want to apply that in a new fission project.
Mark Kim is working on getting GLEW working with OSMesa. GLEW supports OSMesa in 2.0 if compiled correctly. We are going to make a check to ensure that GLEW is 2.0 or higher to hopefully check for this in most cases.
Rob has been working on boost replacement.
There has been some issues on dejagore and moving to CUDA 8. There are some issues with try_compile. Integrating VTK-m with CUDA enabled into VTK.
Berk has been working on integrating VTK with VTK-m enabled in the Sensei framework. There is now an example with it working with one of their miniapps.