Teleconference 2023-12-06
Attendees: Ken Moreland (ORNL), Ollie Lo (LANL), Dave Pugmire (ORNL), Jay Wang (ORNL), Silvio Rizzi (ANL), Mark Bolstad (SNL), Tushar Athawale (ORNL), Jeff Amstutz (Nvidia), Abhi Yenpure (Kitware), Vicente Bolea (Kitware), Hank Childs (UO), Roxanna Bujack (LANL)
ECP Updates
- ECP final materials: highlights
- VisIt?
- A second WDMApp?
- Possible WarpX (get particle advection into Ascent?)
- Aurora available with no allocations or restrictions
- Access through April 2024
- Email to get an account on Aurora (if you already have one on Sunspot)
- Confluence and JIRA going away December 31
- Zoom going away May 31
- IJHPCA paper
- High Performance Software Foundation
Porting Activities
ECP task updates
Ken and Dave talked with Tomas Gibson from AMD about possible hardware for CI builds. A topic brought up was that it would be much easier for Kitware to maintain a machine using a consumer-level card rather than a server-level card so they don't need extra mounting hardware. Tomas stated that there exists a card that could fit the bill because it has similar compute capabilities. However, the compilers have not been designed and tested for it, so there might be things that don't work. Tomas was going to look to see if VTK-m just happened to work.