Teleconference 2023-03-15

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Attendees: Ken Moreland (ORNL), Roxana Bujack (LANL), Ollie Lo (LANL), Silvio Rizzi (ANL), Mark Bolstad (SNL), Dave Pugmire (ORNL), Charles Gueunet (Kitware SAS), Sujin Philip (Kitware), Nicole Marsaglia (LLNL), Hank Childs (UO), Vicente Bolea (Kitware), Abhishek Yenpure (Kitware), Terry Turton (LANL), Jay Wang (ORNL), Berk Geveci (Kitware)

ECP Updates

  • KPP-3
    • We are in queue to use Frontier this week, but it is not looking likely
  • Budget estimations for FY24
    • Asking for 1/4 of FY23 spend plan for FY24Q1
      • Was told by Jordan Williams that should not be an issue
    • Trying to make sure contracts continue
  • Highlights
    • Based on KPP-3 work

Porting Activities

ECP task updates

ECP/VTK-m Project Management


Planning on submitting R&D 100 this year. ORNL has a 4 page submission form. The draft is due March 28. Ken will get it started and bring in the other PIs.