Teleconference 2023-04-12

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Attendees: Ken Moreland (ORNL), Mark Bolstad (SNL), Terry Turton (LANL), Manish Mathai (UO), Jay Wang (ORNL), Sujin Philip (Kitware), Hank Childs (UO), Silvio Rizzi (ANL), Nicole Marsaglia (LLNL), Tushar Athawale (ORNL), Roxana Bujack (LANL), Dave Pugmire (ORNL), Jeff Amstutz (Nvidia), Vicente Bolea (Kitware), Ollie Lo (LANL)

ECP Updates

  • KPP-3
    • ParaView/VTK-m KPP3CP work is done. Need to submit. Maybe we can copy stuff Eric is doing for VisIt. Setting a target deadline for April 3.
  • Budget estimations for FY24
    • Asking for 1/4 of FY23 spend plan for FY24Q1
      • Was told by Jordan Williams that should not be an issue
    • Trying to make sure contracts continue
  • Highlights
    • Based on KPP-3 work
    • Submitted a highlight based on ParaView/VTK-m integration. Need image for slide.
  • R&D 100 Submission
  • P6 Activity Reporting

Porting Activities

ECP task updates

ECP/VTK-m Project Management


Jim strongly encouraging having the DAV portfolio for running KPP3CPs on Frontier. Meeting later today.