Teleconference 2023-10-11

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Attendees: Ken Moreland (ORNL), Roxana Bujack (LANL), Mark Bolstad (SNL), Ollie Lo (LANL), Abhishek Yenpure (Kitware), Silvio Rizzi (ANL), Nicole Marsaglia (LLNL), Jeff Amstutz (Nvidia), Hank Childs (UO), Berk Geveci (Kitware), Tushar Athawale (ORNL), Dave Pugmire (ORNL), Jay Wang (ORNL)

ECP Updates

  • KPP-3
    • All KPP-3's are in
  • Highlights
    • Based on KPP-3 work
    • VisIt?
    • A second WDMApp?
    • Possible WarpX (get particle advection into Ascent?)
    • Rendering work with Manish

Porting Activities

ECP task updates

ECP/VTK-m Project Management


The Todd Gamblin through the software stewardship work is creating an "umbrella" organization under the Linux Foundation for high performance code. The question that came up is whether VTK-m should be part of it.

Intel is doing a live demo on Sunspot at SC. It would be interesting if VTK-m was part of that. Currently ParaView is running on Sunspot. We could potentially run VTK-m under ParaView if that could be made working. There are some current linking issues with VTK-m/VTK, but Abhi thinks he can get it working within the next month. Another option would be to use Jeff's VTK-m connector demonstration to show something running and rendering with ANARI.