Teleconference 2024-06-05
Attendees: Ken Moreland (ORNL), Jeff Amstutz (Nvidia), Hank Childs (UO), Nicole Marsaglia (LLNL), Mark Bolstad (SNL), Silvio Rizzi (ANL), Abhi Yenpure (Kitware)
"OASIS" funding should be in.
It is probably around time to create releases for VTK-m 2.1.1 and 2.2.0. Is this Ken's responsibility now? He will need some handholding from Vicente.
Viskores has joined the HPSF. We need to form a plan to transition to the new name/repo. Are there any chances of getting funds from the LF for this?
Some work on structured volume rendering through ANARI checked into VTK-m. Jeff is working with Dave Pugmire on a VTK-m implementation of an ANARI engine to allow rendering on both ends.
When moving to Viskores, avoid abbreviating as vk as many users will see that as Vulkan.