Teleconference 2024-08-28

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Attendees: Ken Moreland (ORNL), Hank Childs (UO), Cyrus Harrison (LLNL), Nicole Marsaglia (LLNL), Jeff Amstutz (Nvidia), Dave Pugmire (ORNL)

OASIS Deliverables

  • Address requests for support, improvement, and new features by current and potential applications such as XGC and WarpX as well as other users of ParaView, VisIt, and Ascent.
    • Ascent team solved ray tracing bug in VTK-m 2.2
  • Strengthen operation of VTK-m on Aurora.
    • There are still some failing tests.
    • They may be a problem with cell location, which might be an issue with Variant.
    • Having Intel look into the previously identified union/variant bug found.
  • Improve documentation with automatic generation and web deployment.
    • User's guide continues to improve.
  • Ensure proper building and running at OLCF, ALCF, and NERSC through Spack.
    • Ken verified that Slack builds work on Perlmutter and Frontier.
    • Silvio will establish contact for Ken of someone at ALCF tasked with compiling stuff with Spack. Request that they also compile VTK-m/Kokkos.

VTK-m Releases

Release for VTK-m 2.1.1 and 2.2.0 are out.

Viskores / HPSF

Have formalized the initial TSC. Ken is considering adding the following voting members to the TSC to represent their respective institutions and projects.

  • Silvio Rizzi, representing needs of ANL/ALCF
  • Nicole Marsaglia, representing Ascent and LLNL
  • Gunther Weber, representing topology, LBL, NERSC?

We have a plan to transition from VTK-m to Viskores. We are hoping for some funding from the HPSF to do this.


Cyrus had a question about how VTK-m manages device streams and how that interfaces with Kokkos. Ken thinks VTK-m establishes a device stream per CPU core so that multiple CPU threads could schedule things simultaneously. Cyrus might need a way to set the device stream to use.