Teleconference 2019-07-17
Attendees: Ken Moreland (SNL), Abhishek Yenpure (UO/SNL), Dave Pugmire (ORNL), Matt Larsen (LLNL), Nick Davis (SNL), Hank Childs (UO), Rob Maynard (Kitware), Allie Vacanti (Kitware)
ECP Updates
- ECP review coming up
- September 23-27
- 30 minute talk like previous years
- Will ask for input as necessary
- Capability Assessment Report (CAR) also coming up
- Will update from last year
- KPP-3 will undergo another iteration
- There will be a standard scoring system
- It will likely be similar, but not accumulative
ECP deliverable updates
- [MS-19/09] Path Geometry
- Merged in a tube worklet
- Still need to wrap that in a filter
- Would like to clean poly data
- [MS-20/01] Lightweight Cell Library
- Not much progress recently, but starting to work on this full time.
- There might be an issue on another project that encroaches this
- [MS-20/02] Specialized Data Models
- Mark Kim checked in extruded cell set.
- That is probably sufficient for the ECP milestone. (Probably some further tweaks.)
- Now need some documentation
- Will happen after Mark Kim completes paper (couple weeks out)
- [MS-20/03] Feature-Sensitive Surface Norm
- Ready for review
- [MS-20/04] VTK-m Release 3
- Released happened (v1.4)
- Ken working on getting a User's Guide out.
- [MS-20/05] Cell Metrics
- Brent made a MR. Awaiting for approval.
- Ken or Rob need to get on this.
- More functionality will be add incrementally
- Brent made a MR. Awaiting for approval.
- [MS-20/06] Contouring
- Ollie has started coding. Has some design questions he will ask offline.
- [MS-20/07] Advanced Flow Algorithms
- Abhishek is advancing on FTLE. Looking into differences between VisIt implementation.
- Dave sketching out a stream surface algorithm
- Distributed memory issues merged into VTK-h
The hackathon will be held in Albuquerque starting July 30. Everyone planning on attending should register. Go to Hackathon 2019-07-30 for details.
Hank is planning to create some slides for a tutorial at the beginning of the hackathon.
Rountable notes
We should try to collect some ECP data so that as we do reporting we can quickly generate relevant images. It would be great if we could also share across ALPINE and other vis projects.
- Terry Turton has collected some stuff from LANL. Not sure if can be sent out.
- She might have a list of distributed data in different places
There have been some issues with CUDA runtime errors in the cell locator hierarchy for changes unrelated. We discussed whether that might be a stack size issue. There is an example in kd-tree test to change the stack size. Rob suggested trying to revert building cell locators in vtkm_cont library.
There was a long discussion on the naming conventions for topology maps. We all agreed that it should change.
Ken created an MR with ArrayHandleMultiplexer. He is working on that some more.
Matt has been wrangling build issues. Brought up some issues and fixes with different versions of CMake. We now require CMake 3.13 if using CUDA.
Matt will need some help creating shared libraries for Python while compiling VTK-m statically. Rob has recently done this for VTK, so it should be possible.
Allie worked on OpenMP to improve the vectorization of reduce.